Glasair III
Scale 1:3,25
- Wingspan: 226 cm
- Length: 198 cm
- Weight: approx. 9,5 kg
- Engine: from 45 ccm
The Glasair is a sport aircraft from Stoddart-Hamilton Inc. that is being sold as a DIY kit with great success in the USA. Our 1: 3.25 scale model is a scale kit.
All details, including the characteristic NACA scoops on the fuselage, are molded and give the model an impressive appearance. The model has also proven itself as a towing machine. The fully GRP kit includes a rigid GRP chassis. All GRP parts are colored white; the supplied decal sheet means that no painting work is required.
Full composite Kit, from – € 745,-
If you are interested in the model, please contact us by phone or mail.