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Airmeet 2023

We were there - HORIZON AIRMEET in Donauwörth in mid-August.

At this year's AIRMEET, there was a Manufacturers Day on Friday for the first time where the leading manufacturers presented their products and innovations.

In two flight slots in the morning and afternoon, each with 25 minutes flying time, we were able to show a spectacular display, which was then demonstrated again in front of several thousand enthusiastic spectators during the airshow on Saturday.

Thanks to our team pilots Thomas Gleissner, Roy Puchtinger, Markus Rummer, Trond Hammerstad, Jürgen Schreier and Martin Sannwald.  Special thanks to the Red Bull team with Robert and Sebastian Fuchs and Tim Stadler - as always a breathtaking formation. Ali Machinchy from the USA came as a special act and presented Trond's AIRWORLD XXL Starfighter in an inimitable way. Another highlight was Team JetCat with Markus Zipperer, Mark Petrak, Thomas Ehle and Jürgen Sickinger with five Me 163 Comets.

You were great and put on a great and spectacular show.

A big thank you also goes to Stefan Wurm and Timo Stampa from Team Horizon, who organised and hosted this event with perseverance and heart and soul.

AIRMEET 2024 - we will be there again!


Hans-Dieter Reisert
Henschelstr. 11
63110 Rodgau